I hate HATE HATE being a working mom.  We don't make enough for me to be able to stay home with the kids full time, yet working full time I still don't make enough to afford daycare for my two boys.  Which leaves me having to work nights and weekends.

I never get to see my hubby and I am constantly left out of "family" outings on the weekend because I am at work and cant afford to miss a shift.  Up until recently everything has been going well, but yesterday it all went to shit!!!  My job has decided that I need to be available 24/7 to keep my position, or drop to a casual position which has no guaranteed hours.

I am stressed to the max, I am crazy worried. In my head we have already lost the house, it amazes me how my thoughts can go from mundane to insane in the matter of seconds. Right now I cant do anything until they make their final decision. So all I can do is worry and pray...
I find that the way you perceive yourself and the way others perceive you are totally different.

In my life I have known many people who think they are worthless and I think they are strong and worthy of a great many things. On the other hand I have also known people who think they are great and are actually far far from it. This becomes especially true once you throw children into the mix.

Recently I was looking after my friends child, they were mouthy and defiant. I tried talking to them and they proceeded to laugh and stare at the wall. Pretending I wasn't there at all, I asked "would you like me to call your mom and have her pick you up?"
They didn't answer me, so I grabbed the phone and called, I didn't want the child to think I was wasn't going to follow thru.

My phone call was not well received by the mom. She didn't want to leave and grab them. A while later the child started to throw up, again I called the mom. What happened next shocked me, I was told that my "yelling" had caused the child to become physically ill! Finally she came and picked him up.

I was emotionally distroyed. I would never ever abuse a child with words or otherwise, and it killed me to think that someone else did. I will admit I am not the best parent out there, and I wish there was a manual out there. If my child was mouthy and rude I would definitly want to know.

Was I wrong? Is there an unwritten "mom code" that I'm not aware of?