Right this very second I am sitting with a steamy cup of coffee and I am exhausted. I know that exhaustion is a part of my illness and I try my best, but the guilt of "resting" instead of "doing" weighs heavy on me.
I know I'm sick, I feel it everyday, I see the subtle symptoms, other people don't. If you walked past me on the street I wouldn't look any different then a healthy person.
I have liver disease which has turned part of my liver into scar tissue. I am on 6 different meds to "help" my liver filter my blood.
I also have 4 "inoperable begnin tumours" living on this poor liver of mine. Good news is that they are NOT CANCER, bad news is that they are growing around the main artery.
I live with a constant ache in my side, side effects from all the meds, and I get colds really easy because my immunity is low.
My way of coping with all this is with humour. I joke about needing coffee 24/7 and I even named my tumours John, Paul, George and Ringo. Ringo is obviously the largest one.
I know I'm sick, I feel it everyday, I see the subtle symptoms, other people don't. If you walked past me on the street I wouldn't look any different then a healthy person.
I have liver disease which has turned part of my liver into scar tissue. I am on 6 different meds to "help" my liver filter my blood.
I also have 4 "inoperable begnin tumours" living on this poor liver of mine. Good news is that they are NOT CANCER, bad news is that they are growing around the main artery.
I live with a constant ache in my side, side effects from all the meds, and I get colds really easy because my immunity is low.
My way of coping with all this is with humour. I joke about needing coffee 24/7 and I even named my tumours John, Paul, George and Ringo. Ringo is obviously the largest one.
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