Silence is scary.

When I have nothing to distract me, I am forced to listen to what's insider head. It scares me because alot of it is crazy and irrational, I would definitely "what if" myself to death if I could, I am constantly putting myself in "worst-case scenarios".

The worst time of day fore is the what I call "twilight" it's the hour or so that I lay in bed and wait to fall asleep. My mind goes crazy....

What if I get sick and can't work?
How will I pay the bills and how long could I go without a steady paycheck?
What if my hubby left me?
Where would I go?
Who would take the kids?
What If I died?
Who would show up at the funeral?
What would people say?
What do people say?

And on and on and on..... Some nights guided meditations help. I would recommend anything by Simonette Vaja, she has quick little "mini-vacation"meditations that are 10minutes long..

does any one else have "busy head" right before they fall asleep??
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